Pat Lencioni’s Working Genius Framework Is Coming to Build IT LIVE 2024

Pat Lencioni's Working Genius Framework Is Coming to Build IT LIVE 2024

How well do you know your team members? Do you know each one’s key strengths? If you’re unsure, you’re not the only one! Leaders worldwide struggle to build teams with the right strengths and to establish a successful team dynamic. Let’s change that at Build IT LIVE 2024. 

For the best IT MSP conferences in the US, Build IT LIVE 2024 is your must-attend event!

Come to Build IT LIVE 2024 and experience a full-day workshop on Patrick Lencioni’s Working Genius framework that has helped several organizations build winning teams. Let us tell you a little about the framework and how it can help you build winning teams capable of delivering excellence consistently.  

What is the Working Genius framework? 

Working Genius Widget

Patrick Lencioni’s “Working Genius” is a framework designed to help individuals and teams identify their natural strengths and preferred modes of working. The concept includes six different types of working geniuses: 

  1. Genius of Wonder: Individuals who are strong in wonder excel at asking questions, challenging the status quo, and imagining new possibilities. 
  2. Genius of Invention: These team members are innovative problem solvers with strong creative skills. 
  3. Genius of Discernment: These are individuals who are skilled at making informed decisions by weighing options and analyzing possibilities. 
  4. Genius of Galvanizing: Individuals skilled in leading and energizing others, bringing renewed enthusiasm in teams. 
  5. Genius of Enablement: Individuals who are great enablers can aid in execution by organizing tasks, providing resources, and removing obstacles. 
  6. Genius of Tenacity: Individuals who are tenacious, determined and resilient, and can overcome challenges and achieve goals. 

Why is Working Genius important? 

As a leader, you must discover your team’s working geniuses to build a robust, collaborative and thriving MSP. Some of the key benefits of doing so would include:  

  • Enhanced Team Productivity and Morale: You can assign responsibilities to team members based on their key strengths, boosting productivity and morale. 
  • Increased Accountability and Ownership: Your teams imbibe the spirit of ownership and accountability towards higher success and achievement. 
  • Reduced Attrition Rates: Happy and productive employees are likely to stay more loyal to your MSP, resulting in reduced attrition rates. 

Patrick Lencioni’s Working Genius at Build IT LIVE 2024 

On Day1 of Build IT LIVE 2024, facilitators from the makers of the Working Genius framework—The Table Group—will train MSP leaders like you on how you can use it to build winning teams. This training would cost you thousands of dollars outside, but we’re making it a part of your Build IT LIVE ticket. 

The training is divided into multiple modules to ensure a comprehensive understanding. You’ll learn: 

1. Individual Assessment and Model Overview 

  • Your teams complete a Working Genius assessment to identify their strengths 
  • You understand how to interpret the results of the assessment and use it to your advantage 

2. Application and Understanding of Model 

  • The Three Stages of Work: You get to explore the three stages of work—Ideation (wonder and invention), Activation (discernment and galvanization) and Implementation (enablement and tenacity), which would help you to apply the framework. 
  • Guilt & Judgement: You learn how to promote a culture of empathy, understanding, and psychological safety, ultimately enhancing team effectiveness and well-being. 
  • Responsive vs Disruptive Geniuses: You get to explore the interplay between responsive and disruptive geniuses. Your team learns to foster innovation and adaptability. 
  • Altitude of Genius: You explore the different levels or altitudes at which your teams operate to achieve their goals and maximize impact. 
  • Table Debrief with Q&A: You engage in a structured discussion facilitated by workshop leaders, reflecting on insights, sharing experiences and clarifying questions. 

Workshops and sessions beyond the Working Genius workshop 

Apart from Working Genius training, this year’s Build IT LIVE 2024 also boasts other world–renowned training such as Strategic Coach’s Unique Ability and multiple power-packed breakout sessions. 

You will get actionable insights from sessions on business growth and financial success, security and artificial intelligence (AI), and building winning teams (this year’s theme). 

Look at the detailed agenda and buy your ticket now from a wide array of available options.